Friday, August 11, 2017

August 19th Meeting

We hope you'll join us for our next meeting on August 19th. Our speaker will be Rachel Windham, auhor of nonfiction, inspirational, and childrens books. 

Rachel considers herself a multifaceted author whose writing purpose is to weave the thread of God’s love into each of her works. Ranging from children’s books and juvenile fiction to resource and devotional tools, Rachel’s books offer inspiration, education, and practical applications for spiritual growth. 

Rachel’s writing has been published in anthologies, magazines, and newsletters and has contributed to school curriculum and church projects. She posts a weekly blog, Tips & Tidbits, on her website, 

As a member of Bayou Writers Group, SWLA Children’s Book Writer and Illustrator Guild, and American Christian Fiction Writers Group, Rachel seeks to expand her knowledge of the writing craft and hopes to write adult fiction in the future. 

Although Rachel loves stringing together words, her greater passion is family. For over 27 years, Rachel has shared her life with her true love, her husband, Eddie. Together, they are enjoying their two adult children, Gabriel and Autumn. Apart from family activities and writing, Rachel volunteers in the community and serves in her church. For down time, she can be found scrolling through social media, visiting with friends, traveling with her family, or reading a good book.

You can learn more about her at:

Be sure to check back often for updates and news. We have several exciting opportunities coming, including the first Texas Gulf Coast Writers anthology. For more information, please visit:

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